Friday, October 5, 2007

CiCi is a Sickly Little Mess

I have not stopped blogging - I just haven't had time to update. CiCi is sick, grumpy and completely attached to me.
Here's the deal. Last Wednesday I took CiCi to the doctor. I really feel she has an allergy to something out on the soccer fields. Between the two boys we are out there 4 times a week and everytime CiCi becomes a sneezing mess.
But, by Wednesday I felt the cold was dropping and I wanted to get her checked. Doctor agreed it was allergies and put her on Zyrtec.
Zyrtec seemed to be helping, so I was happy.
Over the weekend she seemed to be cutting two more teeth (already has 8 - can't believe she is working on more already) so on Monday when I noticed a warm head I thought - probably just teething.
Tuesday night she was on fire. I couldn't get her fever down with Tylenol. At 11:30 I sent DH to Walgreens to get Motrin or FeverAll. With the Motrin and washcloth baths I finally got her temp down to 100, but I took her to the doctor first thing Wednesday morning. The Dr. couldn't figure it out. He ran a CBC and the white blood count was normal. He thought maybe a sinus infection, but told us to watch for a rash because it could be hand-foot-mouth. He put her on Amoxycillin for the sinus infection.
Then yesterday she wakes up after a fitful night of sleep grumpy as can be and I notice a rash all over her back - not at all like what I was told to look for with hand-foot-mouth.
Back to the Doctor...
this time he knew without even looking at her. Roseola. Poor thing. The good news is that by the time the rash shows up, she is on the mend.
The bad news.. she also has an ear infection.
No wonder she is soooooooo grumpy. I can't wait for her to start feeling better.
I miss my happy little girl. And I feel so bad for her.
She is so uncomfortable that she wants to be held all the time, but she doesn't want to be touched.
My poor Sickly Little Mess.


Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

Ohhh, poor little CiCi. I hope she is better soon! My Lil Bitty had Roseola a couple months ago - no fun at all!! We're thinking of you guys!

Anonymous said...

So sorry she has been sick. Rj was sick too with a virus but not as serious as cici. So we have been grumpy around here for 4 days too!praying for you all and thinking of you!!