Sunday, October 21, 2007

We've been busy

Always. And I really have tried to cut down on the after school activities, but I tell you what... we are always on the go I don't see this slowing down for about 15 more years, so I need to find a way to do it all and still find some quiet peaceful time - not just for me, but for the kids. Not that they think they want it, but I'm convinced that if they knew what it felt like they would at least want it every once in a while. :)

Right now our biggest after school activity is soccer. We love soccer. And it is so good for the boys. However, here was our Saturday morning schedule:

9:00 - Arby game
10:30 - Arby, CiCi and I watched my niece's game (different location)

The picture above is of Arby on the way back from my niece's game.
It is so rare for him to fall asleep in the middle of the day that I had to take a picture of it when we stopped at a red light.

11:00 - 12:00 - DH worked the concessions stand for soccer
11:30 - Kenz game
CiCi is such a good sport - she usually sits in her stroller cheering for her brothers and clapping every time she hears someone else clap. So cute!!!
then we went straight home to watch UT lose to 'Bama - this is not good for the family

then DH and Arby left for Houston - to watch (on Sunday) another football game (Titans..they won)

Sports are a part of our family. Always. Which is why we will forever be on the go. Kenz woke up this morning and placed his Titans jersey in my car. Why? Because he can't wear it to church, so he must leave it in the car in order to put it on as soon as church is over. We always go to lunch after church with my parents - knowing this Kenz suggested/decided that we must go to a restaurant with a TV so that he could, of course, watch the Titans play. All of this would be normal to me if my DH was here feeding this to him like he usually does - but today this was all Kenz' doing.
The picture of Kenz in the Titans jersey was from a different fan-crazed day, but I am adding it here since I didn't take a picture of it again today.
OK - well the picture of Kenz posted up at the top. I have finally figured out how to make all my pictures upright, but I still can't figure out how to place them where I want them to go. UGH!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truely do not know how you get it all done with 3 (4 if count dh) haha. I know i miss my alone time, guess yours is nonexistant!!