Wednesday, October 31, 2007


CiCi loves to sign. In August we started attended a sing and sign class through Kindermusik. She loved the class, but never really signed. As part of the class we got a music CD and a DVD. She loved listening to the CD in the car, so I tried out the DVD. The DVD had many of the same songs, but with kids signing. She was fascinated. She would sit in my lap and watch it very closely... and then it started. Her first sign was FRIEND. Then MOMMY (she won't say Mommy, but she signs it - so cute) Then she learned WORK from the song I've Been Working on the Railroad - CiCi thinks that song is the greatest song ever written. I don't know what good learning work is for her right now, but whenever she does it I say, "Yes, Daddy's at work". Next she learned MILK - this one has been very useful. Then she learned EAT and this week she learned MORE and NIGHT-NIGHT. She also claps whenever she hears Good Job, she waves whenever she hears Bye, she puts her head on my shoulder whenever someone says Hello to her. She will put her finger up to her mouth for Shhh.
She has a few others we don't understand, but they clearly mean something to her. The funniest one is she puts her finger in her nose. She means something by this - seriously. And she is so frustrated we can't figure it out. She often does it when we are about to take her out of her carseat. Any ideas as to the meaning of this randomly hilarious sign???

Side note - I actually took ASL in college and worked at the Mississippi School for the Deaf as an intern and a student teacher. I was so gungho to teach this to Arby when he was a baby, but he started talking so early (3 word sentences by the time he turned one) that he really wasn't interested. With Kenz I don't know what happenned, but he never signed anything except I Love You -which he signs to me all the time (awwwwww)
I have to say I am thrilled that CiCi is so interested. I truly feel every person should learn it. We all have the potential to become deaf (or hard of hearing) one day and if it happens to you it sure would help your quality of life to be able to communicate with others. My Grandma can't hear and I sure wish she (and all of us around her) knew some sign language so that she wouldn't have to miss out on so much. Just one of my many soapboxes...


Michelle Smiles said...

I always wanted to learn sign language but never did. I've had fun learning the signs with Sabrina. She only uses a few but it really helps that she can tell us she is hungry, or wants more, or is all done with something.

MaryJo said...

As for the finger on or in the nose... this is how Kyle did and still sometimes does the sign for 'eat'. We stick with the standard sign of tapping our fingers on our lips but he's always gone right for his nose!

Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

That is awesome that cici is picking up so quickly! I keep saying i'm going to get that DVD and just haven't. Now you've motivated me to go do it. Pilar loves signing too - but so far all I know is more, please, thank you, etc. I would love to teach her more!

alicia said...

WOW!!!!sign language I always think thats wonderfull!!! when I was at the hospital I saw how a patient could comunicate his needs to a doctor ..It was awsome!! CICI is defenetly a very perceptive at her age..I could see she has lots of carisma, which usually comes with sensitivity..SUCH A GIFT!! shes a happy girl..singing will be one way to express that for sure.. and I think the finger on the nose is an expression of exitment or can be that she is unconfortable ..Rodrigo rubber his eyes, and Valerie touch her ear sometimes..beautifull pics..