Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fingerpainting with What???

Kenz is in Kindergarten and his teacher is fabulous for many reasons, but one thing stands out right now. She encourages her students to do chores and good deeds at home. When they do, their parents can write a "brag note" to her and she makes a big deal about it in class. This completely works for Kenz, so he has started to dry the clean dishes and clean the dirty dishes on the nights we actually eat at home. He truly enjoys this and does a good job, but I, of course, have to monitor him pretty closely.

So....I am helping Kenz, Arby is doing his homework and CiCi is happily playing in the kitchen cabinets. At some point I notice she is in the cabinet where we keep all the cooking oils, so I take out all the breakable bottles and continue to let her play in the cabinet with the plastic cooking oil bottles.

Not long ago, I decided to buy all these different kinds of cooking oils like grape seed and Carotina ( Canola and red palm seed oil) -

Looks like the Carotina one wasn't fully closed because all of the sudden I find CiCi bellysliding in Orange Canola oil.

At this point I decide she is already covered, so I may as well let her play in it for a while. She had a ball fingerpainting and bellysliding all over our kitchen!!! It was hilarious. Based on CiCi's silky-smooth-even-after-a-long-bath-skin, I also discovered that bathing in Carotina oil must be very good for your skin. Maybe if I ever find the time to take a bath again I will try it out.....


Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

Hehehe. I love that you let her keep doing it for a bit! That is precisely why my daughter is covered in marker right now.

Anonymous said...

That is soooo funny! Can't imagine how slippery she was! How many days did all of you slip on that spot? Glad I did not have to clean that mess up!

Sig said...

Oh no! LOL!! I can *totally* see Abby doing that, she is such a mischievous baby too.
She really is too cute!!