Monday, April 28, 2008

Crazy Schedules, Organizing, Dumping

I am still here. Had a very busy week last week. Seems my kids schools decided that since May is too busy, they would see if they could schedule every possible activity during the last week of April. So we had 2 parent/teacher conferences, a field trip to the zoo, field day, Father/Son Kickball game, and 2 school projects. We also had two basketball games (Arby), two baseball games (Kenz), and two soccer games (me), plus my best friend came in town and we have a talent show at school tomorrow. We are one tired crew!!!
When I wasn't at school, I was dumping junk and organizing my house. I am very much trying to accomplish my first retirement goal of a clean and organized house with "a place for everything and everything in its place".
Will post pictures of our crazy selves soon.

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