Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Final Four

We won!!!! We won!!! We won, we won, we won!!!!!!!
......Go Tigers G0!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited!!!
Will post much more about this later - especially after we win the championship and my boys return with all their pictures. Yep. You heard me. My crazy parents took my sons to San Antonio to see the games. They drove. A long way. With my two sons that don't ever shut up. When they get home they (my parents) will be exhausted. But right now they won and the trip is already so worth it!!!!!
Don't know much yet, but I do know that they were supposed to meet someone to get tickets a few hours before the game. The guy didn't show up. Twenty minutes before game time, my parents and sons still didn't have tickets. Somehow right before the game started they ended up with incredible seats in the end zone, nine rows up. I can tell you my boys are loving life right now!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh- and they are staying for the championship. Hoping for some more awesome tickets to fall in their lap. Hopefully some sad UCLA or UNC fans will sell them to my crew.


Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

Oh how cool for your family! Go Tigers! Your boys will be talking about this for years to come. What awesome grandparents they have!

Anonymous said...

How awesome for your boys!! These are memories that will be with them for ever.

Since West Virginia didn't make the elite eight, I can say GO TIGERS!!!