Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day ... and things that make me laugh

As a mother of three I have discovered that I am really too tired to give words of wisdom or to think clearly or coherently for the amount of time that it takes to write a blog entry. I think of hilarious things that I should write about in my blog, but by the time I am sitting down in front of my computer without kids I can't remember them or I just don't have the energy to formulate it on paper.

So there is my excuse for my extended absence from my blog.

Friday I was driving my kids home from school and my youngest started farting. He did this "to get back" at my oldest who had taken off his socks which left the car smelling quite bad. Kenz gets mad at Arby everyday for taking off his socks. It makes him gag and I admit it is pretty darn bad. Anyway this was Kenz' first time to try to get his brother back for smelly feet. Once he started his farting, he then started naming his farts. His favorite being the machine gun fart. This escalated to a MGF match between my boys. To be the mom of boys....

CiCi calls most animals ducks and quacks at all of them. She is a really good quacker. It is quite hilarious to watch.

Yesterday the boys went to Arkansas for a chess tournament. They planned to arrive back home in time for church this morning. They left on time to make it, but ran into a huge delay. Apparently a tractor trailer flipped last night in the bad weather. The trailer was left on the interstate until a wrecker could get it this morning. That wrecker showed up shortly before my boys worked their way to that part of the interstate. They ended up stuck, without moving, for 1 1/2 hours. The kind of stuck where everyone turns off their car and walks around outside to mingle. The kind of stuck where both boys eventually ended up needing to pee. Kenz first. Then Arby. So Arby and DH walk over to the side of the interstate near a bush. Moments later, to the amusement of all their new interstate friends, Arby slips and tumbles down a hill and lands in a thorny bush.
they didn't make it to church...

I hope to post lots of pics later - tonight or tomorrow.

1 comment:

Angel said...

Happy Mother's Day!!! Have a little gift for you on my blog!
:0) Angel