Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Smoothies

Tonight I thought it would be fun to make Smoothies using the new blender/food processor I got for Christmas (not much of a cook so I had not yet used it). My sons very excitedly gathered the ice cream, the ice, some strawberries, a pear, some acai juice and some Xango (we have lots of Xango in our house and we need to find more creative ways to get it into our bodies). I let them put in all the ingredients and then take turns pushing the various buttons to chop, puree, crush and stir our ingredients. We taste checked it and stirred it to make sure there were no lumps left in the mixture. I then unscrewed the container from the base of the blender and out poured our smoothies. From the bottom of the container. Onto the counter. And the floor. Apparently I just needed to pick up the container. When I unscrewed - I unscrewed the bottom portion of the container which should only be unscrewed to clean. I wish I had taken a picture of the mess and of the faces of my sweet boys. I felt so bad for them that I grabbed the cups and scooped what I could inside (literally sliding the smoothie off the counter and into the cup). So we still enjoyed our smoothies. :)

1 comment:

Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

Oh, bless your heart. ;)

That is too funny!