Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day

I bought this outfit for CiCi this fall. It was not the smartest purchase. Notice the short sleeves. For February. What??? and then I accidentally bought 6-12 month leggings. They are way too small. I felt the need to atleast dress her up since I took off the tags on the leggings before realizing my mistake. She looks precious and is none the wiser to the stupidity of her mother.
I pieced together her second Valentine's day outfit. Apparently I did not take a picture of it. Oh well.
What did I get for Valentine's Day this year? Heated...with a new furnace (and a bit more stuff)
We knew when we bought our house that we we would need a new furnace and a new roof. We hoped that we could buy 3-4 years. We took out a loan on Valentine's day to pay for them both. As luck would have it, we made it two years and they both hit the point of no return at the same time - a 25 year old house living on 20 year old time.

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