Monday, February 25, 2008

Choking Issues - pretty disgusting

Arby, who is about to be nine, choked on food today. He has done this several times. The last bad time was two years ago. On a meatball. Out of town. At a restaurant. I spent 45 minutes in the bathroom while he coughed it up a little at a time. But it hurt and he was crying and the restaurant ended up calling an ambulance, but before the ambulance arrived a waitress (sorta) did the Heimlich maneuver on him which helped him get up a little and then we had him stick his finger down his throat and gag some more up.
So today he did it again. On a turkey and cheese wrap of all things. It took about 15 minutes for him to cough it up. He finally was able to gag himself and get it all. He was scared and he had tears in his eyes and he said it hurt. He obviously took too big of a bite and did not chew, but I wonder if he could have a small esophagus or something that would be causing him to do this so often. The first time he was about three and it was on Thanksgiving. That one was pretty scary. This has probably happened 8-10 times. Today's was pretty bad, but knowing that he is OK I am just annoyed by it. Either he has some medical issue or he seriously needs to learn how to chew his food. If it is the latter then for goodness sakes he is nine years old - definitely old enough to understand and remember the last time this happened. UGH!!!
Any ideas blogland???

1 comment:

SlushTurtle said...

You might have him evaluated by an OT (I think that would be the right one, but maybe not- a Dr could tell you). When Hatchling was 2 we were told he had asthma, then a ped. pulmonologist told us no, he didn't. What he really had was that he never learned to swallow correctly, so liquid was getting in his lungs and causing him problems. We had to make all his drinks "like nectar" for a few months until he trained himself to swallow right. It might be something really simple like that. Poor little guy!