Friday, November 30, 2007

H@nn@h Mont@n@ - Part 2

Kenz had a ball!!!! He and his friend danced the entire time. Sweat poured down his face. What was his favorite song? GNO. Girls night out. Too funny. I wish I could share more of the pics I took, but since other children are in them, I won't. However I am sharing the back of Kenz in a pic and if you look closely you can see his hair flying up in the air. It bounced all night until it got too sweaty and then it just stuck to his head.

Arby had a great time. He took all the pics that I am sharing. He was, however, much more subdued. Until we got in the car. Once in the car we played his new CD that we got while braving the crowd at the END of the concert. Once he had the words to the song in front of him and he was within the security of our car - he sang quite loudly!!!!!

And CiCi - she was a trooper. And she also had a ball. She danced. She clapped. She jumped up and down all night in my lap. And during intermission she took her first two real steps. Of all places!!! She was smiling so big and she was very proud. Of course, I have no pictures of that!!!

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