Saturday, September 22, 2007

Who am I and why blog now???

Definition of my Blogger name - definitely a take on "Three Men and a Little Lady" - loved both that movie and the ...and a Baby" movie many moons ago. In terms of our family it means my three boys, husband and two sons - not sure if any of them should be considered men yet, and our precious little girl. My boys are 8 and 5. We adopted our (10 month old) little girl from Guatemala and brought her home this summer. While we were in process, I kept a photo history with updates on a different site for friends and family to view. It was a good way for them to know what was going on with our adoption without constantly having to ask us when we would be bringing our little girl home. So why would I start my blog now??? Well, each year I spend a long weekend with my best friend scrapbooking. Lately, this weekend is about the only time I seem to find to scrapbook all year long!!! Sooooooo I decided I needed a way to document all those little things that happen each day and I thought if I had a blog maybe I would, in some way, feel obligated to keep it updated. Each day CiCi (our nickname for baby girl and the name I will use in blogworld) does something amazing and I try to remember when my boys mastered the same extraordinary feat - I can recall a lot that my oldest, Arby (blogworld nickname), did and when he did it, but sadly I can't say the same for my youngest son, Kenz (blogworld nickname). I don't want that to happen again. So guys it is up to you to hold me accountable :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CiCi is so precious! It is so hard to keep up with the amazing things your child does everyday--I know I have lost the date of when mine said this or did this. I keep thinking I will write this down and it never happens. So your blog is a great idea--kind of like a blog scrapbook! Keep scraping!!