Monday, September 24, 2007

Sports Illustrated

My husband has an addiction to these magazines. Seriously!!!! Not only does he live for each week's edition, he saves them. All of them. 52 a year!!!! Since 1985. It is crazy!!! He isn't neat about it either. I can vividly remember his mom handing them over to me after we moved into our first house. In liquor boxes - that were falling apart. And the magazines were just thrown in the boxes. All different directions - years mixed up. I couldn't believe it. And I couldn't believe he really wanted to keep these things. Eventually I realized that I would have to deal with this madness and the only way I could handle it was to organize them, so I bought plastic containers. I separated all the magazines by year and then I put them in order. He was missing a few, but not many. We have moved twice since then and I swear between the two moves those magazines have cost us close to $500 in moving expenses. Yet, the madness continues. And lucky me - we now get SI for Kids. He has my sons addicted as well. I have made it a point to throw away those magazines after a week. This is one kid collection I will not tolerate - they already have a pretty healthy collection of baseball cards. At some point you just have to say enough is ENOUGH.

So recently Little CiCi was playing in the den where this years SI's are kept in a basket. She had never even touched that basket before. I get a phone call and before you know it, I find CiCi enjoying one of Daddy's SI's. Then I realize she is wearing her Daddy's Little Angel shirt and I just had to go grab my camera!!!!

1 comment:

Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

Hey! My husband loves SI too. He doesn't purposely save them... but I have been known to throw out several at once because they begin to stack up - in the bathroom. LOL.
Enjoying your blog!