Thursday, March 13, 2008

Remember When, She's at it Again....

Remember when CiCi was waking up in the middle of the night, happy as can be and having her own little party. Well she did it again. I am praying that it is daylights savings time that did it to her, but two nights ago she slept from 8:30 until 1:00 and then we could not get her back to sleep. We tried everything. DH even drove her around for a while, but he said she kept jabbering away completely oblivious to the fact that he was trying to lull her asleep. When he pulled back in the garage, he decided to turn on a movie for her and he sat (slept) in the car with her while she watched a movie. Still not falling asleep we just brought her inside and let her play until she finally crashed on the floor around 7:30 AM and slept until 10:00 AM. Not much of a crash in my opinion. So I just decided I would enjoy a great nap from her. NOPE. She took a 45 minute nap. Then last night while I was cooking dinner and she was sitting in her high chair eating pieces of cheese and crackers, she fell asleep.

I thought at this point she was out for the night, but again she woke up after 45 minutes. Fortunately she went to bed at her normal time, woke up at her normal time and is so far taking a good normal nap.


Katie said...

What a silly girl !!

Tricia said...

Sofia's sleep schedule has been WAY OFF lately, too!!!!!

:) Hang in there!

Angie said...

Oh my goodness I hope her schedule gets back on track soon!