Friday, March 7, 2008

Arby's Birthday Snack

Arby turns nine tomorrow and wanted me to bring a big cookie to his class today to celebrate. I planned to stop by the mall to pick up this Big Cookie on the way to his school. I had to be at his school by 9:30 for snack. I arrived at the Cookie store and they were closed. Apparently they do not open until 10:00.
My next thought was to stop by this place that sells the best beignets. Arby loves beignets and hasn't had any in a long time so I thought they would make a fun surprise. So I order the beignets and CiCi is entertaining the restaurant dancing to the jazz music when all of the sudden she stops and stands very still. I immediately recognize she is doing her business - so off we go to change her diaper. There is no changing table, but there was a nice little cushioned seat that I am quite certain was not designed to change diapers upon but....
Anyway diaper of Little Miss Wiggly was changed and food is ready.
I arrive at Arby's school right on time and I ask the receptionist to have him come down so that he can help me carry in the snack (since I forgot the stroller and really couldn't carry it all). She calls his room and they are not there so she tells me to go on and get the snack and I can wait up in his room (don't think she quite got that I had a baby and couldn't carry it all). So I start walking out to my car to get the snack when all of the sudden I feel very warm and wet on my side above my hip. Yep, I was Peed upon. So into the car we go to change another diaper (obviously I did not do such a good job with the last one) Wiggle Worm is all over the place again and what do you know - I break the velcro tab off the diaper and now I am all out of diapers. So I decide to put the wet one back on her and then I somehow balance CiCi and the beignets and the plates and everything else and head up to Arby's room. By this time they are back in the room already eating snack and thinking that I had forgotten. I felt so bad......
And like my morning the other day this was all before 10:00 a.m.
I am so not a morning person!!!!!!!

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