Monday, July 21, 2008

Washington Square

I have never seen New York the way most tourists do. I know, once, a very long time ago I went to the Empire State Building and I saw the Statue of Liberty, but usually when we visit New York, we go to the Bronx. We see the places where my dad was raised and we eat real New York Pizza for lunch and then eat great Italian somewhere in Little Italy for dinner.

This time we shook things up a bit. We asked the boys what they wanted to do. They picked Washington Square. We apparently don't like to behave like normal tourists.
So why Washington Square? Because my boys love chess. And they love the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer. And in the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer they learned that great chess is played in Washington Square.

It took us a long time to find Washington Square. GPS was not reliable - it was actually down-right annoying. Once we got there I expected that we would stay for an hour. We were there for over three. My boys had a ball. They did not want to leave.

CiCi was nowhere near as impressed.

But my boys learned a lot and just plain had fun. And they got a little attention from passers-by that was pretty cool as well.

(In the pictures above, check out Kenz slowly drawing a crowd)

All the rest of our plans for the day, which had included a ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty and a tour of Manhattan in a double-decker bus, went by the way side.

And CiCi eventually amused herself by chasing pigeons and owners of dogs. As shy as she can be with humans, she has no fear of being up close and personal with animals.


Mama Bear said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to go to New York and see the sights though might have to skip the chess scene!!! That's great though with the boys and wanting to play like that. I had no idea they just played along the street!

SlushTurtle said...

That is just the cutest thing I have ever seen! How fun that they are so unique!!!

Anonymous said...

Your children are gorgeous!