Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Talk about getting disgustingly real

My children decided they would give me a perfect excuse to not dig deep tonight in order to get real. Here's my real today:

Went to a new very good friend's house today. Discovered that if CiCi were to be named the tiebreaker in our house, we would be getting a dog very soon. One son and my DH are not animal people at all. Other son loves dogs and kittens and begs for us to get one. I am neutral - I would love for my kids to have a dog to bond with, take care of, love, etc. - but I know that in the end I will be the one working hardest and I am not quite sure that I am up for it. CiCi LOVES animals. She is actually less afraid of animals than she is of humans. She will pet, kiss, feed, laugh with/at, dogs and she just thinks they are the best!!!!
Today she went so far as to eat some dog food. YUM! Arby was in the sun room of my friend's house with CiCi and my friend's poodles. I was inside with my frightened Kenz. With Arby watching in disbelief CiCi popped some dog food in her mouth, chewed and swallowed - all before my stunned Arby could react.

So not to be outdone by his lil sis, Arby finds an even better way to disgust Mom. Back at home playing Wii with Kenz, Arby notices something on the floor. Arby thinks it looks like chocolate, pops it in his mouth and realizes way too late that it is NOT chocolate. Let me point out that Arby is NINE, I do not allow food in the room where this "chocolate" was found, and we do NOT yet have a dog. So this "chocolate" was of the human variety. Probably from lttle sis' friend who played upstairs with the boys while only wearing a diaper and a t-shirt. (CiCi was wearing shorts so I am quite sure she is not to blame) Can I just say GROSS!!!!!!!!!!

No pictures for this one folks - I was way too grossed out to get out the camera!!!


Mama Bear said...


Anonymous said...

He must have been puking for hours after that!! That is awwwwwful!!