Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Read this article.

This article was written by Josh Waitzkin. I met him many years ago when Arby first began playing chess. Since then I have read his books, including The Art of Learning mentioned in the link below. The book is excellent and should be read by both teachers and parents. The link below leads to a link on an article Josh wrote. I love this article!!! I truly believe our society needs to take the future education of our children much more seriously. It should not be a platform for politicians. It needs to be a transformation, from the ground up, led by educators willing and able to think outside the box. Most importantly, students need to be groomed to love learning for the sake of learning and teachers and parents need to provide the tools, inspiration and environment to promote such learning.

1 comment:

mommy24treasures said...

that article is amazing. I am amazed the students were doing all that stuff on the internet!
It is sad and America does need to wake up. I am thankful I homeschool when I read these type articles.
Thanks for the link.