Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hats...Not Bows

CiCi loves hats. She puts one on her head any chance she gets, then she passes them out to the rest of us and insists we put a hat on, too. Usually she gives me the cowboy hat, but today (well, the day I took the picture - I am really behind in the picture-posting category and thought I would take sometime to catch up) she decided that she would wear it.
She does not like bows. Everyday I try to put a bow in her hair, but within seconds she pulls it out along with a small little chunk of hair. So I will quit trying for a while. Maybe she will eventually forget about her disdain for bows. I even went on and cut that piece of hair that hangs down in front of her eyes in every picture I take. I kept holding out hoping she would come to terms with the bow and knowing that when she did that chunk of hair hanging down in front of her eyes would be the perfect piece of hair to sweep back into a bow. But, alas, the hair is gone and I am left wondering if my little girl will always prefer baseball hats, fireman hats, cowboy hats, knights helmets and the small little colander that she absconded from the kitchen and wears around on her head as if it is a perfectly normal thing to do.

1 comment:

Sig said...

Can you sneak it on her head? I used to do that for a while. Thankfully Abby loves bows cuz you know how her momma is about them ;)