Saturday, December 8, 2007

Better not pout, I'm telling you why

Because the poor boy can't. Recently Kenz asked me - how do you do that thing with your lip. I had no idea what he was talking about and he tried to show me, but couldn't do it. I soon realized he meant - pout. How do you pout? Never really thought about that and never really realized that he has never pouted. He really is The Happiest Kid, but seriously everyone can pout, right??? He can't figure it out, so now when he wants something and I say no, he pulls down his lip into a pout and holds it there. It is the cutest thing ever!!!!

I, on the otherhand, can pout. Today I did just that. I promise I will make this my last whiney post (as long as my washing machine gets fixed tomorrow), but for today - I have to share. Today a good friend of mine came over. She lives close by, but we never seem to see each other. We e-mail each other and always say "we need to get together" and then it just doesn't happen. But today it did. And it was a really nice visit. Near the end CiCi needed to be changed. Her changing table is in my bathroom. While changing her I notice that I need to flush the toilet. So I did. Then I turn and continue changing CiCi. Then I start to hear water and realize that the toilet is overflowing. SO now I have CiCi on a changing table which I must get her down from and moved far away. Then I turn off the water. Then I get towels to clean up the water from the floor. Many towels are needed. And then it occurs to me that once more this nastiness (only P, but still...) will have to just sit (rinsed out, of course) until my washing machine is fixed. Of all the times!!!!! My friend was completely amused by my form of entertainment.

After my friend left CiCi and I went to Target to buy diapers. While there I decided to brave the toy aisle. Row upon row of plastic. I can't stand it. I know I sound like I am not in the Christmas spirit, but I seriously do not think that purchasing oodles of plastic toys has anything to do with the true meaning of Christmas. My boys have never really asked for anything. Maybe one thing each, each year. I have never encouraged then to do otherwise, but ineviatably by December 26 our home is filled. School, relatives, friends. It never seems to end. For years I have been begging my mom not to get plastic toys and she has never understood. Ths year with all the recalls from China, she has finally called it quits. I am so glad. I never even thought about the plastic toys as a safety issue. I just don't like them (except Little People ) , but if that can make other people think twice about our over-consumption of toys at Christmastime, then I am not gonna complain about that one bit. Now if we can quit commercializing Holidays (holy days) then I will be even more happy.

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