Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Song of Hannah: A Novel by Eva Etzioni-Halevy

I loved learning more about Hannah. I enjoyed the viewpoint the author, Etzioni-Halevy, used to depict the emotions involved when a husband takes more than one wife as was often the custom. The raw feelings she exposes and the way women handle the ...situation can be felt across the ages. Although it is no longer customary to have multiple wives, affairs are all too common and the results are strkingly familiar and the resulting pain it causes to the psyche of a woman does not appear to have changed too much over time. On the other hand we do not often see in today's society the kind of blind faith Hannah had that gave her the strength to place her son in the hands of the priests (at the age of 3) because she made a promise to God that she would do so.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Between the Tides by Patti Callahan Henry

Such a sad yet endearing story of loss and love where in the end happiness and love can be found again but not in a neatly wrapped package with a bow on top so that it screams fairytale. Between the Tides is a story with enough loose ends to allow you to appropriately grieve all that has been lost, while still desiring (willing into life) a happy ending.

Belong To Me by Marissa de los Santos

A new favorite author for me. I love her writing style. I love the way she brings her characters to life. And I love the way her books speak to me as if she is writing for me in my time of need. I am quite sure I will read every book she ever writes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I enjoyed this book immensely. I can usually read a book I like in two days (three max)but this one took longer. I had to flip back and forth making sure I understood what just took place and making sure I understood where we were in time, but it was so worth the extra effort. An intense love story from beginning to end and written in such a way that you can actually believe in the possibility of time travel while still deeply feeling the emotions that are present in so many relationships that stand the test of time, endure the absence of mind and/or body, work through loss and struggles both past and present and yet love endures.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Outsider by Ann H. Gabhart

Interesting story. I loved learning about the Shakers. Such an interesting belief system, hard to understand that people could actually believe in such a manufactured utopia that seems to go against anything that could be considered natural.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Reading

I love to read. I never find as much time to do so as I would like, but when I do find the time it relaxes me immensely. I do not watch TV (unless you include Nick) at all so my only form of escape is reading and an occasional night out to the movie theater. I am unable to participate in many discussions on what people watched on TV last night because I have no idea what they are talking about, so I thought maybe a few people out there would enjoy discussing a book as much as most people enjoy discussing their favorite TV shows.